Monday, October 21, 2013
Harshad Deshmukh's invitation is awaiting your response
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Harshad Deshmukh's invitation is awaiting your response
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Cut chai.
"Chhote...do chai la" (Chhote, bring two cups of tea)
Chhotu, really Bansi, wasn't listening. It was a cloudy, windy day. Just the way he liked it. Sitting below the big banyan by the tapri, he was enjoying himself. Looking at the dark, moving masses of clouds through the branches and shoots of the banyan, he was lost in a different world.
"Abe laude, chai la bola na!" (I asked u to bring tea, dickhead)
Chhotu snapped out of his daze. Laude. Here in the tapri, only he had the distinction of being called a lauda...which literally meant penis. He didn't mind...it was more like a nickname for him here. He was happy today too...the weather was one thing, but the five rupees he had managed to pocket the earlier day...ahh! Today he wouldn't mind if they called him lundkatya...dickless...
He checked the little secret pocket he had stitched himself on the groin of his half-pants, from the inside. The touch of the cold five rupee coin excited him.
"Abe kya andar hath daal ke baitha hain...chai kaha hain? Kaat dunga saale tera fir kya chhooega?" (Get your hands out of your pants...where's the tea? You wont have anything to touch if I cutoff your thing)
Chhotu ignored the man. He was still thinking about the five rupees. He knew what he could do with them. It had been a long time since he had seen a movie. There was one in the local theatre...stall seats for a measly Rs.5/-...Aishwarya Rai, his favorite, in the role of a princess...he was in high spirits.
He got up. Chhotu was 17, but hardly looked it. The shirt he was wearing was that of a 12 year old, discarded because he had outgrown it.
Chhotu passed the two cut-chais and went back to the banyan tree. Today the tree felt like home. His banyan tree.
The skies had darkened now. A lone kite circled above them...its unmoving wings giving it a ghastly, pale, phantom like look against the grey-white streaked sky. A long, forked bolt of lightning cut across the sky...bisecting it mercilessly..the brightness and the darkness. Chhotu looked up and saw a second kite...it seemed to have appeared straight out of hell with the bolt.
He smiled and started to lose himself again...romancing Aishwarya...flexing his muscles...kissing her...making love in the hay...
He jumped. Only Kanhaiya, the tapriwala, called him by that name.
He stood up and faced him. One look at his face was enough for Chhotu...Kanhaiya knew about the missing five rupees.
"Paanch rupya. Hisaab mein kam hain. Kaha hain?" (Five rupees. Missing. Where are they?)
"Nahi pata. Humare haath mein kaunu paisa deta hain?" (I don't know. No one around here gives me any money to keep.)
"Humse baatein banata hain? Paisa kaha hain banchod? Kal sigaret ke liye diya thha tereko saanth rupya. bees sigaret pachpan ka hua. baki paanch?" (Dont tell me stories. Where's the money sisterfucker? I had given you Rs. 60 for cigarettes yesterday. 20 cigs are for Rs. 55. Where's the remaining 5 rupees?)
"Saanth ka bees hua. Teen ka ek hain." (20 cigarettes for sixty rupees. One cig is for three rupees.)
Kanhaiya slapped him across the face.
"Maa ki choot tere. Humse jhoot bolega tu? Abhi panwala aakar gaya. Nikal paise madar!" (Dont lie to me, motherfucker. Give me the money.)
Chhotu gave a sob.
"Ro mat chhakke...paise nikal!" (Stop crying and give me the money, eunuch).
Kanhaiya started searching him. On finding the five rupee coin, his face contorted with fury. What followed was an all-out assault on chhotu. He was pinched, kicked, punched...thrown about by the hair. His clothes were ripped and his lips were bloody. Somehow, he managed to escape from Kanhaiya and bolted towards the nearby ghats on his cycle.
Lying under a tree, he looked up at the twilight sky, sobbing, licking his lips. The moon was up amongst the clouds...a thin, diffused crescent. Silhouttes of spider webs cut across his vision...the trees alive with shrieks of insects. Then it started to drizzle.
Chhotu stopped crying. Rain. He loved it. Breathing in the cool air...his senses coming alive...the smell of damp mud...the cool breeze...he felt safe...secure in his own cocoon. The sense of safety broght in a new optimism. He started to have happy thoughts again..."I'll earn my own money. I'll buy Kanhaiya's tapri. make it into a big hotel. I'll keep kanhaiya as a waiter. Ahh! That will be great!"
And so his thoughts went...every passing second making him beleive he was living his dream life. Reassuring himself he could do it.. Why not? Amitabh Bachchan had done it in a movie he had seen!
He picked up his cycle and started cycling back. 'I will apologize to Kanhaiya. He would let me stay for a few days...then I could go and buy him out...' He started singing a merry song..."rain is falling chhama-chham-chham..."
Two lights appeared a little way ahead. It was dark now, and Chhotu was thankful for the lights. He cycled towards them. A police jeep.The officers inside seemed high and merry...hawaldars mostly and a driver. Chhotu stopped and got down the narrow road. The jeep took up most of it. Chhotu watched as the jeep approached...it was going fast.
'Just as in the movies. Must be going after some gang of dakus...' he thought.
He looked down as the jeep approached closer...knowing that the police could mean trouble. He was releived when the jeep didnt slow down even after its lights fell on him. Just then came a loud laugh from inside the jeep. Abruptly the jeep swerved and hit Chhotu head on. He was thrown down in the rocky valley, his head hit a rock, and it was over. The police got down, threw the mangled cycle in behind him and drove away, not wishing to own up for their mistake.
The next day, nobody knew where Chhotu was. No one tried to find out.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The high pitched metallic rattle of the alarm clock violently jerked him out of sleep. Not that he had slept peacefully...a violent start to another tumultuous day...after a turbulent sleep...
He stared out of the window at a greasy brick wall...the red was showing in patches. Dirty, smelly grime covered the rest of it...knotted, dangling spider webs cut odd streaks across the wall. 'Like rotten depths of a forgotten cavern...' he thought.
He walked to the basin and face contorted...he hadnt turned on the tap after throwing up last night.
The small bottle of No.1 lay on the floor, a few crowns of Bagpiper club soda scattered around it. He had had to do with less of whiskey and more of soda last night...no money left for even a pack of peanuts...
His head throbbed as he tried to recollect the events of the night.
Ahh! She had dumped him last evening. The whole of yesterday wasa blur...but he remembered their last few minutes of conversation quite vividly:
Him: "I love this time...the time when Im with you...I wish we could be like this forever..."
and then he had bit his lip...afraid it was too late...he shouldn't have said that...he knew what was coming...
Her: "I know...I love being with you too.."
thank God for that...she didn't start it this time...always ends in a fight..
Him: "...You know Daljit got a new pair of jootis for himself....proper punjabi jootis...i think I'll get a pair too.."
Her: "Didn't he get anything for her?"
here it comes...
He: "I don't know"
Her: "Ofcourse. Why would you know. You would never remember such things. Daljit is a responsible man. He married the girl he loved...not like you. You are a loafer really."
Him: "Please dear. I have told you already. Daljit's story is different..he has his father who is providing for him...for now..."
Her: "I don't want to hear all that. Bhaiyya and dadaji are searching for a match for me. Unless you do something soon..."
"I have heard this a million times ok...please give me some time-"
"What do I tell them? What reason should I make up now? I cannot think of anything now. you are coming to talk to dadaji...tell me when you are coming...now!"
"You know I am not earning much...it is hardly enough for me..."
"Tell me now..please!"
"I need some tim-"
"I cannot. I really cannot. Its been four years since we have been together..but nothing has happened.."
"I cannot give you an answer now...please try to understand...I need time.."
"I am sorry. I just cannot. You either come to my place tomorrow and talk to dadaji...or we will never see each other again"
With that, she had walked off...he had sat there...stunned...unsuspecting...and then cursing her for all she had said and done.
He had walked home, bought the whiskey and soda on the way. By the time he had reached his rundown single room 'home', he knew he had done wrong. Taking it all too easy...
...now...after drinking...puking...sleeping...and coming back to his senses...he knew what the answer was going to be. He put on his 'costume'...his job required him to wear it. A bright yellow lungi...a bright yellow bhugari...and a white kurta. He put on his jootis and joined the others from his group...today he was to dance at the wedding of a wealthy marwari merchant's only daughter...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Break Again...
So sorry for not posting anything for so long....caught with yet another round of exams and a dirt race thingy...will put up something very soon. :-)
TC All :-)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The railway platform was crowded-people talking, yelling, eating, laughing, crying.
The man walked briskly...clearly in a hurry. He was tall and sturdily built. Wearing a pair of faded dark blue jeans and large brown boots, he looked tough. A thick steel chain hung between his belt and the left pocket of his jeans. It clanged against the metal belt buckle with every step. He walked erect...the black denim jacket augmenting his broad shoulders. At about 6'4", he stood taller than almost everyone on the platform.
Stopping briefly after a few steps, he would check the small digital boards overhead which showed the position of the bogeys of the train arriving next. Finding the one he wanted, he stopped and put down his luggage-a small heavy red duffel bag. Just then there was an announcement-the train would arrive in ten minutes.
He looked around-the platform was crowded as expected. All the walking had him perspiring, but even now wasn't calm. He had a mission to complete now.
He checked the watch. A few more minutes and the train would be here. He started fidgeting...pacing around. Every few minutes he took a few steps toward the platform exit, but changed his mind and came back. He looked at the people around him...they didn't seem to pay any attention. He looked at the bag and pushed it slowly near the luggage of a family standing close by.
Looking at his watch again, he thought "Nobody would notice if I leave the bag here and get out".
He took a few steps towards the exit, but stopped again. He was in a conflict. "Let the train arrive, then do it" said one voice...."Do it now!" said the other.
He couldn't make up his mind. He would pace around, stop, look at the bag thinking something and start pacing again. He just couldn't stand still.
From a little distance away, a policeman watched intently. He had been watching the man since he had walked in on the platform with the bag. From the way the man carried the bag, it was clear to the policeman it was heavy. He was a new officer, but his eyes were trained to pick out suspicious behaviour. Looking at the man and the way he handled the bag, the policeman immediately suspected the worst-a bomb. Although he had read that terrorists were as calm an composed as they can be before an attack, he did not want to take any chances. He could tell one thing-the man was trying to leave the bag and go-and that was enough.
The loudspeaker came to life again-five minutes to arrival.
The policeman quickly got into action. The railway police alerted the station master. The train was wired to stop where it was. A bomb disposal squad was called for, and a cache of police officers was readied to nail the suspect.
The officers spread themselves in the crowd. Taking care not to let the suspect know what was going on, the officers asked the people to get away from the platform. Slowly, the officers closed in on him, mingling with the departing crowds. The stationmaster made an announcement regarding the delay in the arrival time. He was expressly told not to mention the man or the bag.
The man, on hearing the announcement, made up his mind. Taking a deep breath, he lunged toward the exit. The officers were ready. Swiftly, two policemen burst out of the crowd and tackled him to the ground. The man was dumbstruck, but he had no time to think. "Noo!" he yelled and tore away from the officers."Stop or I'll shoot!" shouted a policeman...but the man was already near the exit. Out of nowhere, three policemen appeared between the man and the exit door. They pushed him to the ground and handcuffed him.
"No...please...God...no...its too late...its too late..." The man had turned pale.
The officer holding him by the waist suddenly cringed and let him go.
A dark wet patch was spreading around the crotch of the man.
"I was just going for a leak!" the man broke down.
The bomb squad had meanwhile got to work on the bag and had quickly discovered two steel containers full of laddoos...